Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Sunsets...... again?

Been longing to post these shots all this while but I was too busy with so many 'errands' for the past week. These are 2 of Amie's favorite shot during our meet up in KK a month back, in Tanjung Aru Beach followed by 2 of my favs. Amie, you're picking-up fast. Love your collections. Keep it up Gurl! Lain kali, ko bikin portrait saya pulak ah.

To me, taking pictures is a way of relaxation. Its a passion but in a 'controlled' manner. I find it soothing when I've captured the shot I want. Landscape isn't so much my game but I'm giving it a shot. Anyway, photography is a wide field. As long as you have a camera, you can capture anything in the galaxy!

I'll leave you all with these selections now. Peace you all & Vote For Your Most Fav Pic Below kay!

P/s: Beautiful people doesn't exactly make Beautiful pictures. Beautiful 'Eyes' do.

Photo A
Courtesy of Reality Bites

Photo B
By Scribbles & Pixels

Photo C
Courtesy of Reality Bites

Photo D
By Scribbles & Pixels


RWP said...

interesting. have you try to shoot in RAW format? you should try it out once awhile.

GraceSupang said...

Cantik-cantik belaka...

where is this?? I love the first photo with the couple init. eh couple kah dat?

Anderson Kalang said...

Shutterhero, I do shoot in RAW sometimes but casually, I shoot in JPEG. Gracesupang, these pics were shot in Tanjung Aru Beach, KK, with Amie. She has the 'eye' I can say. Not sure if that's a couple coz I was at another side of the beach. - Malaysia's Online Camera Shop!
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