Indeed an honor to be a part of another colorful wedding. Over the weekend, I was in Kota Kinabalu to attend Flo & Sheena's big day. One thing I love about the KK crowd is that, everyone is "happening giler!". People just can't sit comfortably in their chair when the music is on. Once the music plays or someone go sing, people will just leave their seats n crowd the dance floor.
I'm yet to post photos of the "happening" stuff at nite. For now, I'll let you guys watch this 6 mins photo montage I made right after the blessing ceremony at Sacred Heart Cathedral. It was viewed during the wedding reception at Le' Meridien Hotel, KK.
Updated : 2nd July 2008
Hi All,
I'm back after 3 weeks of silence...hehehee.. For those of you who have been waiting eagerly for the results of Florencius & Sheena's photos, well.. here you go! These are a few of my picks from their day event. I know, I owe you guys a lot of shots. Check out their dinner pics later again kay. Thank you for being so very patience you all. Have a nice day! I have to go to sleep now. So sleepy la...
Bride's Treasure
The Couple
Her Eyelash
The Bride
The Groom
Groom & his bestman, Melvin
The 'Naughty' Entourage
The Ring that Binds them
Prayer of Blessing
Petals from the sky
I tot of going to sleep but 'sik dapat tido lah'. I still owe you photos so okaylah.. I figure, might as well I load some of the evening shots now (No more 'hutang' ah).
SOoo... here you go. Everyone on the floor was sweating I tell you! "KK-rian's" sure knows how to PARTAAY!!
Their wedding cake
The 'thank you' speech
The couple's dance
Dancing the Sumazau
"Come on Let's Twist..Again!"
Flow...river flow..
Over-flowing blessings
Toasting the guests
Drinking with the cousins
Guess who caught the Bride's bouquet in the end?
The Groom's colleagues from Miri
Part of the many friends who came for the reception.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Florencius & Sheena's Wedding
Posted by
Anderson Kalang
Labels: ALL AROUND ME, Weddings
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hi anderson,
you did a wonderful job at the wedding. had a blast dancing with you and jane :) bah kalau my photo time tidur tu tidak lawa, you edit kasi lawa k, hahahhahahah...
crap, had my wedding and all, if not could have called you to shoot it.
regards to you both.
well done my fren...wohooo!!!
*standing ovation*
Siapa tu bride and groom yang stunning and hensem tu ...????
celebrity kah dorang tu????
the Pictures WOW....
Thanks for capturing the moment Anderson and Jen
Inchutt (Florenius himself bah ni),
I enjoyed capturing every moment of it. Memang happening la korang!
Like I said, its an honor. Korang memang BEAUTIFUL bah! Memang tahap CELEBRITY, I tell you!
Misslamau: I'm yet to shake your hand for the gud job u did on Betsy & Keti's wedding.
Annette: Cara kau posing time tidur macam modeling bah. hehehe.. I did only minor touch-up on it. Anyway, no one's gonna see it, right?
Well, don't worry bout ur past wedding bah. Lets look forward for your anniversary kay. *hint hint*
no...its an honor having u there with us..gila-gila jg ni..hehehe... tapi kan, i'm a bit dissapointed la..sikit ja muka sy ko kasi masuk in this blogger..why?? WHY??!! hehehe
amazing job anderson. Congrates to Inchutt and Nunut....
haiya..missed the aramaitii session wo....
mikirayou bah si kilivin ni... WHY??? BECAUSE takut ko kena serbu oleh pompuan2... susah ko mo keluar, terlampau hensem bah gambar ko semua... bagus jan lah, biar lah inchutt punya muka saja... sebab dia sudah kahwin bah, so no worry lah...
Inchutt... hehehe, muka sia pun ada dlm but semua mcm munyit... hehehe!!!! tumpang ahh... cousin ko semua kasih mabuk sia tu ari... but sia suka diorang!!!!!!!!! hehehehe... Wat I can say, u all the nest and sporting, kalo campur sama cousin sia, I think KK pun gempa bumi... kiki!
Son-Son, finally... u must be very tired but u r happy kah... Good Job! And happy to work with u... eventhough kami mcm anjing sama kucing...
typo... the best**
Anette... sia miss ko punya gila2.. hehehe!!!! Ko punya gambar tidur memang cantik, mcm tu Sleeping Beauty... betul ni!!!
anderson: hint taken :D nanti misti kaw-kaw punya photo ko ambil nanti k..
jennnnnnn: sia miss ko juga oo jen... hehhehe jan ko puji2 sia, nanti sia jadi model baru kamu manyasal hehhehehehe.... siok la pula menari-nari lepas minum kan.. nasip kita tia juga pigi barabut tu bunga si sheena malam tu kan jen... hehehhehe
inchutt: perasan! tapi mmg kamu hensom and santik bah! bah jan lupa ambil sia di airport bisuk....
kilivin: sukup2 la tu gambar win.... nanti ko kasi tambah masuk la gambar paspot ko...
annette.... ko dtg Miri kah???? kenapa ko diam2.. hehe!!!! Bukan puji palsu ni, ngan ikhlas dan tulus... ngam kah tu BM sia???? hehe! Bagus lah ko jadi model, sia tumpang saja lah, jadi wall paper ko.. pa mcm???? ya bah, sia mo bah tu rabut, ada juga alasan sia mo buat wedding dia the 2nd time... hehehe!!!! kita patut tu pegi rabut....
jenn, ya sia pigi miri ni malam... sia tia diam2 bah hehehehhe.... sia punya pr officer tia kasitau ka? aiyaaaa, ni mo putung gaji ni heheheheh.....
sia pegi tanya dia sudah tadi... baru dia bagitau, semalam jumpa sama diorang tdk dia bagitau... ko potong saja gaji dia, sia sokong!!!! bila ko bali labuan lagi????
Laaaa... jadi 'chatbox' la pulak my comment box ni. Flo! Ko kena interfere sama diaorang ni..hahaha
Odoi odio odoi macam pasar kamu buat ni blog ...
bah suka hatilah kamurang
Nanti kalau ada aramaite Mr& Mrs Kalang sure terima saman...i.e. wajib datang and "dring sangalas, taratarauuuu"
btw baru sia notice yna glast photo tu kan (FS-1331-1331.jpg)kawan sebelah si nunut kan mau buat peace sign tapi dia punya tangan terbuat "the finger"... amboi... amboi.... amboi...control sikit plz...
Errr.. you mean the last group photo kah Inchutt?
.. by the way.. referring to the 'last group photo', my apologies to the 'mysterious guy' at the End Right. I didn't mean to cut you out of the frame. The table behind me was too close and I ran out of space to zoom from.
Lets do a quiz. Lets GUESS the 'MYSTERY GUY' with the "PEACE Finger" sign.
Inchutt... Mr & Mrs Kalang tu kan... ko refer bapa & mama Anderson kah tu?????
wah..suda kuar gmbr kazen sa hehe
nah nah nah kamu tia takut.. anderson marah suda kena jadi chatbox ni dia punya commenct box.... sia takut sia takut!
jenn, sia balik labuan on monday morning.... gini la nasib perantau bah.... malam ni sia sampai... "ada sesi minum sanggalas taratarauuuuuuuuu kaitu?"
mana sia takut dia tu, sia lastik saja terus diam tu... hehe!
hmm.. pasal sagalas taratarauuuuu tu kan, ko musti tanya si inchutt sudah tu, sia indak mo masuk campur... kalo sia disini, sia tdk buli minum, buli tengok saja... hehehe...
hahahha ya ka jenn? ko serius ka ni? jan ko takut, kalau ko betapuk tapuk minum tu inda juga kena nampak tu.... heheehe
Kilivin: Kalau kau kasi tau ko punya nama awal awal, tau juga saya mau simpan extra gambar kau bah.
Okaylah, lets do another quiz, in picture "Drinking with the cousins", which one is Kilivin?
In picture "Toasting", which one is Kilivin?
Jenn :Yalakan Mr&Mrs Anderson plak tu...
Anderson : Siapalah gerangan jejaka misteri yang nampak tangan macho jak tu with peace sign only...
harap harap dia tampil ke hadapan blog dan memperkenalkan diri...
tu last pic.. kawan kawan si Sheena ... happeninglah kamu macam UTM GIFT punya gathering jak ni...
thanks for coming all
inchutt (a.k.a flo, si Sheena punya laki)
anderson: in "drinking with the cousins" - kelvin is the one at the right hand side, squinty (if there is such a word) eyes and looking like a tikus caught drinking! in "toasting" pula, muka tidak nampak, but can see the back of his head (yg left hand side tu)...
gambar sia pun teda...... i am crying my heart out ni hahhahahahha.....
inchutt: ya la bah, thank you ko diterima..... tapi yg second day di kampung tu, pengantin "hilang" di tengah majlis la pula..... hehhehehehe...... ooppssss!
duuuiii.. son, ko kasih quiz ni kan kasih diri ko sendiri kah ni???? Everybody I think kan memang tau siapa kivilin bah.. deeiii!!! dia lah lelaki yg paling hensem sia pernah nampak... kwang kwang kwang...
Annette.. sia kan actually kan... kin malu saja sia mo bagitau, sia indak pandai minum bah, sikit saja terus mo gila... jan ko, silap2 terlanjang sia nanti berjalan2... oppss... kekekeke!!!!
Ya bah, kesian jejaka misteri tu.. tangan peace dia saja nampak... tu lah ko inchutt, pandai2 saja ko ni... MR & MRS KALANG ni mentua sia tau... jan ko silap!
jenn, hehehhe ok bah... tia juga bikin malu gia tu..... orait nopo! buli lagi tu kasi prektis... hehehehhe... mcm sia pandai minum juga... sia pun *innocent face* tia pandai minum bah..... bejalan-jalan telanjang? matai la kami kena marah si anderson kalau kami kasi mabuk ko sampai talanjang!
innocent face lah kunun... kakakaka!!!! ya betul juga lah, 1st2 tengok ko innocent pula ni si annette ni, satu kali... tau2... doooiii... kalah gaya gobuk, terus sia pun terikut... anyway, i like! hehehe... tia pandai dia marah tu... susah ko mo tengok dia marah...
To Annette & Rhino_Gurl, Sorry ah gambar kamu urang tidak masuk sini. I'd love to load some more pics but my space for this post is limited la pulak. Priority given for the Bride & Groom's moments 1st kay.. Jangan sedih ah... "Kita Minum Dulu!"
taratarauuuuuuuuuuu dia bilang si mimi!
**aiyaaaaaa my flite to miri cancelled la pulak! mana sia punya pr officer ni.....!!
hehe..nda pa anderson! nanti sa pi curi dr tmpt kazen sa itu pic... :P ya bah...priority utk org yg kawin :D
bah...cheers la kita dua! minum dulu
:D :D :D
Love the gambars!!!Very much!!!!
alalala... annette... mcm mana buli terjadi ni??? cancel flight ko??? siapa pr officer ko ni yg tdk bertanggungjawab!!! rosak plan kita kan taratarauuuuuuuuuuu tu... hehe!
Nunut... ko suka kah?? kami pun happy lah juga kalo ko loving it... hehehe! anyway, memang aku terkejut ko putung rambut ko tu ari but lama2 sia tengok ok pula kan... ada nafsu sia mo putung ni...
Wei wei wei.. apa mau potong potong rambut ni ah?! Mau bikin trend kah?
nunut! kirim salam rmbt ko. lawa tapi nda biasa sa tgk ko rmbt mcm tuh :P opss..sorry anderson, pnjm jap ni tmpt hehe
Mrs.Ezman, takpa bah.. memang for everybody to chat jugak bah..teruskan ah. 'Sokongan anda amat dihargai'. Malaysia Boleh! So, what's the latest gossip?
overall, all photos are fantastic!!! enjoy viewing all photos...teruskan...
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