Last weekend was really a hectic one..but I'm not complaining. Being a freelance wedding & portrait photographer gets me meeting up with various interesting faces. I had 2 outdoor shoots just last weekend and it was good enough to make me snore so much at night...yeah, my wife told me. An E-Session & a portrait session.
Alright, this post is about Vincent & Miriam. Vincent is originally from Kuching but he's currently based in Johor attach with an oil & gas company. Few months back, sometime after church, Miriam approached me about doing an engagement session for them. Of course I was honored and thrilled. I was actually looking forward to meeting the guy whom we've only been hearing about. The love story begins way back in year 2000, while in Uni days, Vincent got 'hooked' on Miriam's seducing eyes one day & made the move. I don't know what he did but they are one bubbly couple from my 'viewfinder'. Though Vincent is kinda quiet, besides his handsome look of course, I bet his gentle words were among the things that swept Miriam of her feet. More of a peaceful guy I can say. During our meet-up, he was as cool as his looks. Hey Vince, I'm yet to hear you sing ah!
Their E-session was planned at the Miri City Fan & Taman Selera but after her make-up session before-hand, we stopped by Mr Ho's for some drinks coz it was still hot outside. Our make-up artist was very professionally quick. While at Mr Ho's, we did some shots to warm em up. My assistants this time were Grace (Miriam's cousin) & Jenn. Grace was their 'Caddy' to carry their stuffs around while Jenn was on the reflector. Since natural light was good, the shots at City Fan was a breeze but after the sun sets at Taman Selera, then only the reflector was in full use. To read on my method is using the reflector, click HERE
Below are my favs from their sets. I 'played' with some creative effects again so enjoy em. To Vince & Yerm, I enjoyed every moment photographing you both, plus getting you guys get wet! (on the beach ah..) Anyway, I look forward to photographing you guys again...for the 'bigger picture' this time.
So, I got them to play.. :
on the grass...
under the trees...
by a wall..
sitting on hard pebbles...
among bamboo trees...
against another wall...
on a jetty...(posing for a Levi's advert?)
walkin on boulders...
sitting on rough logs...
and finally taking a group shot on the sand.
From left: Grace, Jenn, Yerm, Vince & yours truly, ME.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Vincent & Miriam's E-Session
Posted by
Anderson Kalang
Labels: ALL AROUND ME, Photography Tips, Portraits
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sekali lagi kau lakukan............kau buat lagi.....lagi dan lagi..........suspen jak bah..... DO THE BEST JOB...NICE SHOOT LA BRO.......I Like it.....Nana
Tengkiu.. tengkiu.. selalu selalu lah datang 'melawat' ah.
son! thank u very much for doing a very good job!! u've made us look very lovely.. hehe puji diri sendiri tok... niway, thanks again.. it was a great weekend during shooting with u.. and together with jenn and grace.. we've enjoyed it very much... and it makes us realize that how much we love each other so much.. ish.. ish.. terharu aku eh..
the pics were superb la dude. yerm n vince look like model bah....hehehehe
gud job hun! thank u to me too lah coz jadi assistant ko... hehe!
yerm & vinc really can posing mcm model, very sporting & outstanding couple, so senang to urus them... not much "songgeh" & they r so natural... till susah mo pilih the best pic kan, yerm??? hahaha... pening kepala ko kan... kalo boleh semua ko mo pajak... hehe! so yerm, aku sik percaya lagi sama ko pasal vinc tu pendiam & pemalu... he is good lah!!!!
anyway, i do really had fun too during the photo shooting... penat but SYOKSSSS!!!! time right, for the lying down picture, i think he angkat his neck a bit will be nicer. dun put his head too close to his shoulder..not nice la...
other pictures... hmm... i love.. hehe
Yerm, wasn't only me who made u both look lovely. Compliment goes to my D300 too..hahaha...Another awesome experience to me in capturing Love. I've gotta say, you guys were outstanding! And of course, outdoor shoot is all about being yourself & loving the moments with your partner.
Look like models? They are models, Kimm. Only thing that day, they we're not modeling. They were just having FUN loving the time spent with each other.
Jenn honey, thanks again to both you & Grace. I wouldn't have shot my best with their shoes in my hand at the same time without the two of you.
Amy, thanks for the note but I didn't put his head there. It just happen to be close to his shoulder. How le? ... and I don't think they'll be another exact shot next time. Every angle I shoot, is its own art. :P
dear Kani'd yang so- called acclaimed cuteness!
Elelehhh... wawawaa ;p~
But hey you're one hell of a gifted guy! Gifted with the D300? hahaha.. well its the creativity that counts jugak baa... and also the objects ofcos!
And Yem, iko dah mau engaged ha? mau get married sudah? do'o2 narih... you can do it! heheheheee... regards to both of you!
Jenn& grace- the assts, mmg u two susah2 go run along the photgrapher baa kan? ikot burit diaorg Anderson jak kan? lelah tired but hey, great job! well done! ;))
Kan'id... to tell you the truth, photography drives me wild. Recently lah. Syukkk tahap dewa baa i surf thru. It's my latest addiction. Dangerous but awesome! And kan'id thanks for being the 'pusher' lah k... hehe
Beautiful shots! GREAT JOB!!! hugsxx
zae.e.pinq a.k.a Bulan,
Waah! You just wrote an essay here. Tergeliat ibu jari aku lepas baca bah. Although ur far, you always find the time to drop me a line here. Thank you.. thank you so much. Kelak aku blanja ko kolok mee mun ko turun Miri kay!
Always happy to 'push' you to view those beautiful photos from other photographers. Asal aku free ajak ah.. Really inspirational looking at how other pros do it, right?! Thank you for ur time visiting & viewing my entries here. I'd like also to thank the beautiful couple, Vincent & Miriam for trusting me in making it all happen.
Son.. i always have confidence in you in taking photos.. ala2 confidence aku mun aku mauk suruh Louis Pang ambik gambar aku bah..;p bole...??? tp ko memang hebat la.. kau la kawan aku paling hencem... ;)
Bulan.. hehe.. ya.. gettin' into our first step la... ikut jejak ktkorg bah... eheh... ;p
Kim.. eheh.. mcm model ka or modal?? ;p ya la.. thnks to anderson again.. aku sukaaaaa sgt!
Jenn... hehe.. ya memang susah aku mo pilih gmbr2 ni... sampai mengantuk aku mok pilih tu hari.. hehe.. Bgus la ko ckp vincent tia pendiam/malu.. tp tu berlakon semata-mata tu.... buat2 tia malu hehe ;p blm lg kalu ko srh dia menyayi jenn??? hahaha
Wow... this much comments oready... I lost my tongue somewhere up there ;p But like they say especially yg empunya pics . Ur trully a natural taking the shots becoz the happy couple are enjoying themselves .Plus I think they shud try for the Levi's advert sometime. Like that pic too.hahaha...Congrats to the couple !
All and all...marvellous Anderson... Will continue viewing even anonymously.
Yerm, 'sehencem-hencem' aku pun, sik boleh celen hencem Vince bah. Louis Pang ya tahap great-grand master la. I learn from other great sifu's too.
Win, you got contacts in Levi's? The couple will definitely wanna try that. Thanks again for dropping by and trying to be anonymous. Your kind words means a lot. Might get you some special discounts someday aei! hint* hint*..
hahahahahaha :) i just arrive in this comment hehehehe :) Neway, to anderson i only can say ur the best!!!! jenn countine to support ur husband u 2 d best of all...miss yerm santeklah kau dlm gmbr ya :) towk bruk engagemant blom gik wedding lagik POWER THE PICTURE :D
tats all from me.....
truly, noami
I am nothing without inspiration from above. He guides & He opened doors of opportunity with windows of chances to capture every details at their exact moments.
Naomi, lets look forward for their wedding day kay. Aku dengar sidak plan mok molah lebih gempak dari my wedding tok! Tergugat aku eh!..hehehe..
noami, demi laki ku aku sanggup bah....
ako pun takot lah! hahahaha....
Noami..tengah menggigil ni~
three from bottom is my fave, bro.
Thanks for all the comments u guys up there...
uishh... son.. ne bole lawan wedding ko 2 jen.. ko 2 lebih sporting bah... kmk 2 ne bole buat aksi lagu part yang.. "shake it, shake, shake, shake it!" hahaha...
Ahakss... I wish I could help with the ' advert thing 'but I'm no more nearer than u in that...
But I'll definately take u up on that 'hint' one day . (Family pics maybe...Thanks.)
i love those ala-ala levi's shots....!
i like i like i like!
*dlm keadaan menggigil* heheee (semua menggigil, i menggigil lagging sikit lah!)
I menggigil cos I am so the very can't wait to see Yem and her soon- to- be hubby punya WEDDING SHOT(s)! Am sabar keduwih nginih baa... Nalap mulak2 nextime okay?
See... what picture shots can make me turn into!!!
wah u very bz hor nowadays...
cantiks wei the shots..
go go Anderson!!
splendid photos! gud job mahn!
hey, its me, grace.. very nice job..qualities are all there.. i like.. hahaha... both of dem look gorgez..
Congrats to both of u. Really nice picture taken by Anderson. Sik rugi korang bayarnya
thanks anonymous... aku pun rsa sik rugi.. and i feel lucky to have someone like him to be my photographer.. in package lagi, his beautiful wife yg sgt sporting itu! Both of them is very great to work with! Aku enjoy gilakkkk! Steady la Geng!!
kambang burit aku yerm! hehehe.... kan kita geng karas riam & taman tunku :p
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